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As Connectivity Grows, So Does Bandwidth Demand

Tony Martinez

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

The are billions of physical devices around the world connected to the internet by embedded sensors, software, and other technologies that actively exchange varying degrees of data. These things are everywhere. They can be very simple yet importing, reporting the battery charge of a life-saving defibrillator; more involved, such as keeping track of the groceries in your fridge; pivotal, tracking actively routing delivery services; or even critical, providing early warning of earthquakes.

This huge wide net needs the technology to support its bandwidth, management and security requirements. As society embraces this new way of thinking, it makes our lives easier, more secure and informed. Work with the best providers in the space to find and enact the right solutions for your needs.

Follow the Projects, This is a Business Opportunity

  • 55% of all data will be IoT by 2025

  • 70% of Enterprises will run some IoT use cases by 2023

  • 51% increase in wireless demand forecasted by 2025

  • 60% of deals fail in the proof of concept stage

Tap Into a Full Portfolio of Technology, Mobility and Service Providers

The number of smart devices, including a variety of AI/ML systems, will continue to grow. The change and enrichment they provide will continue to be embraced and demanded by end users. Business, government and other organizations are increasingly realizing the asset that is data, and will look for ways to manage and maximize this growth. IoT and the required connectivity are both an opportunity and the new reality.

The Opportunities are Everywhere

Retail. Fleeting tracking. Public safety. Utilities and infrastructure. ATMs. Kiosks. Agricultural sensors. Autonomous driving. Commercial-augmented reality. Home appliances. Healthcare. You are not alone - businesses are looking for solutions, some they may not have even thought of. We are here to help with the strategy, solutions and answers you need. IoT and connectivity are industry agnostic, adopted across industries, in both the public and private sectors. A motion sensor set up can serve the military or a fast food restaurant. The need for solutions can appear anywhere along the experience path, from end user to operators to technology designers. What do you want to solve, that's pivotal conversation that leads to ways to satisfy needs and improve the status quo.

The Perceived Challenges

IoT is a big change in mindset, far from the IT departments just 5 years ago. There is so much to consider, but we are also at a time when a multitude of solutions are already available, with the expertise to put them into action using:


  • Device variability

  • BYOD

  • Sensor-types

  • Accessories

  • Sims

  • Device retirement

  • AR/VR


  • Fragmented tools

  • Privacy (e.g. HIPPA)

  • Area networks

  • Device protection

  • Automation

  • Diagnostics

  • AI/ML


  • Distribution

  • Scalability

  • Geography

  • Monetization

  • Staging/kitting

  • User support

  • Fleet management


  • Network/connectivity

  • IT

  • Cloud integration

  • Data pooling

  • Data management

  • Push upgrades

  • Temporary internet

The Journey Begins With a Plan

Solve Problem Strategy - Technology is a means to an end. Nowhere is that more apparent than with IoT and the connectivity required to make it happen. We find the pain points and utilize existing approaches to solve them, or think outside the box to develop new answers!

Develop What's Missing - IoT is all about making our lives better, easier or smarter. We can find ways to get a more complete picture, access data almost instantaneously and anticipate the needs and challenges of the relevant actors for increased responsiveness and effectiveness.

Secure Each Point - Take away the opportunity for ill-willed players to gain access to any point, cluster or array of devices anywhere along the data's journey. This can be done by securing individual points, walling off task areas or other pre-defined security approaches.

Manage the Initiative - At first look, this step can seem daunting - the many sensors, apps and devices that need to be put into the field, communicated with and maintained. But like so many aspects of life, the return on investment makes the endeavor worth the effort.

Deploy, Maintain, Repeat - This area has exploded in recent years. On one end of the spectrum, pallets of devices are sent fresh from the factory requiring configuration, testing and deployment. On the other end, individual devices are shipped ready to use straight out of the box.

Move Forward to The Future, Move Forward with Growth

The motivation to adopt is two-fold: a drive to provide something better, easier, quicker or more completely; and the growth it affords- companies that integrate IoT see growth within a matter of months of the integration. IoT is both a big idea and potentially a series of small manageable steps. The technology is well developed, allowing the conversation to focus on what needs to be solved. With tens of thousands of IoT deployments already in the world, there may be one that fits your needs... or you may inspire a whole new line of thinking. Our experienced technology advisors are ready to help you!

Many thanks to Sandler Partners for their help in creating this content!

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